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Engineering Specialists

PLM for the Electronics and Semiconductor Industry

Do you want to increase your profits, get your products to the market faster and reduce your costs? Use best-practice driven software solutions such as Siemens PLM electronics and semi-conductor lifecycle management solutions and as well as developing the right products and speeding them to the market, you will also improve your quality and market position.

Consumer & Industrial Electronics

Rapid product obsolescence and complexity are squeezing product profitability Siemens PLM software can help overcome these challenges by offering best-practice software solutions.

Consumer & Industrial Electronics

Semiconductor Devices

Developing new, innovative capabilities and processes to improve development and research and development productivity, are key for semiconductor device manufacturers. Siemens PLM software can help improve design quality, reduce costs and improve cycle time.

Semiconductor Devices

Semiconductor Equipment

Improving quality and managing product complexity are crucial initiatives for semi-conductor equipment manufacturers. Siemens PLM software can help develop new capabilities and processes to support these.

Semiconductor Equipment

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